Disclosure - Board of Directors’ resolutions in its first meeting after the election of a new Board of Directors in the Annual Ordinary General Meeting held on 29 March 2015
Board of Directors’ resolutions in its first meeting after the election of a new Board of Directors in the Annual Ordinary General Meeting held on 29 March 2015
1- Mr. Saif Al Harthy is elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
2- Mrs. Anne Stephanie Nguyen Qui is elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.
3- Mr. Zoher Karachiwala is elected as Company Secretary.
4- The following directors are nominated as members of the Audit Committee:
- Mr. Nizar Qallab
- Mr. Navneet Kasbekar
- Mr. Malcolm Wrigley
The terms of reference, quorum and responsibilities of the Audit Committee shall be in accordance with the Company’s Board of Director’s Governance & Policies.